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9899212121DLF Corporate Greens, Sector 74A, Gurgaon, occupies a vast 25 acres of land. It bears the strategic advantage symbol since it is situated right next to the NH-8. As each year passes, DLF aims to outshine itself in terms of having a better design for a quality structure, more services, all the time, adhering to a good architectural setup's aesthetic requirements. Clearly, DLF Corporate City has considerable upside potential at a standing basis. By choosing this site, developers and others looking for commercial and corporate spaces will benefit a lot. Having a spot in DLF Corporate Greens will not be difficult for a variety of reputable banks that have approved loans for this project with quality service. These include HDFC, Citibank and Company of Life Insurance.
Gurgaon, Sector 74A, is the most promising new commercial development sector. Industrial, retail and IT spaces will be situated here. Moreover, as a metro network is planned to cross this location, in future times, metro connectivity would minimise travel time for employees coming from Delhi.
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Due to excellent connectivity via the Delhi-Gurgaon expressway, NH-8 boasts of a series of MNCs in DLF Cyber City and other improvements, and will always be a favoured destination for the Corporations because of this reason.
Sophisticated offices: Majestic and sleek, with its glass façade, the project stands out as a landmark. Evidently, owning an office in such a popular commercial destination will improve a company's brand reputation in the business world. The office spaces are also classy in style, providing a supportive atmosphere. They have world-class infrastructure that is useful in the private sector, making this complex a good choice for different businesses. In an office space in Corporate Greens, the working climate offered will also help to improve efficiency.
Modern amenities: The complex is filled with a wide range of amenities available for business activities. The protection of the workers, the guests and the property itself is assured by modern fire-safety amenities, CCTV coverage and other security features. In DLF Corporate, the four-level basement car parking ensures adequate parking space, while visitor management facilities are also open. The complex also comes with the power backup facilities required and the supply of water around the clock.
Excellent location: One of the most significant reasons behind the commercial sector's growth is location. Gurgaon is one of India's biggest trading hubs and there is a good reason behind it. The city provides facilities and infrastructure at the business-district level, fueling the corporate hub's growth. The superb commercial infrastructure will gain an office opened in DLF Corporate Greens Sector 74A Gurgaon. In addition, the town is well-connected to different parts of Gurgaon and the NCR. The town has an excellent road, rail and metro rail network.
Investment prospects: For developers, a DLF Corporate office room will also be a great asset. It is very easy to find attractive leasing deals due to the high demand for offices in this area. Land prices are also growing exponentially, rendering such office spaces even more lucrative. Evidently, it would be a smart idea to purchase office space in this complex.
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